to be completed
Recent Theoretical Studies of 3D Momentum-Space Hadron Structure
Chiara Bissolotti (Argonne National Lab)
Probing the quark gluon plasma with jets
Yi Chen (Vanderbilt)
Nucleon spin structure in the strong QCD regime
Alexandre Deur (Jefferson Lab)
Hadron spectroscopy with GlueX
Sean Dobbs (FSU)
Charming Experiment Finds Gluon Mass in the Proton
Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Lab)
Energy-Energy Correlators and Connections to Transverse Momentum Structure
Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
Understanding Hadron Structure by combining Lattice QCD and Phenomenology
Joe Karpie (Jefferson Lab)
A cross-community-driven hadron physics program at GSI/FAIR
Johan Messchendorp (GSI/FAIR)
Aspects of the chiral and partonic structure of the nucleon
Andreas Metz (Temple)
Anticipated first results from the EIC
Rosi Reed (Lehigh U)
Correlations and collectivity from small to large systems
Wilke v.d. Schee (CERN)
Experimental access of high-multiplicity photo-nuclear interactions and a novel investigation of collective phenomena in this system
Blair Seidlitz Colorado (Boulder)
Beam energy scan results
Shusu Shi (CCNU)
EIC Theory Overview
Andrey Tarasov (NCSU)
Experimental Road to a Charming Family of Tetraquarks ... and Beyond
Kai Yi (Nanjing Normal University)
Zhoudunming (Kong) Tu (BNL)