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Nov 14 – 16, 2022
Jefferson Lab
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Regge phenomenoly of the $N^*$ and $\Delta^*$ poles

Nov 16, 2022, 4:40 PM
Jefferson Lab

Jefferson Lab


Jorge Antonio Silva-Castro (Nuclear Science Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico)


We use Regge phenomenology to study the structure of the poles of the N∗ and Δ∗ spectrum. We employ the available pole extractions from partial wave analysis of meson scattering and photoproduction data. We assess the importance of the imaginary part of the poles (widths) to obtain a consistent determination of the parameters of the Regge trajectory. We compare the several pole extractions and show how Regge phenomenology can be used to gain insight in the internal structure of baryons. We find that the majority of the states in the parent Regge trajectories are compatible with a mostly compact three-quark state picture.

Primary author

Jorge Antonio Silva-Castro (Nuclear Science Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Presentation materials