9:00 AM
Test plan for wire chambers at ESB
Liguang Tang
(Hampton University/JLab)
9:15 AM
New Water Cherenkov Detector for Proton Rejection
Kaito Higashimoto
(The University of Tokyo)
9:30 AM
Cosmic-Ray Test of Aerogel Cherenkov Counters by FADC
Teppei Iwamoto
(Kyoto University)
9:45 AM
HES-HKS simulation
Ravindu Kumaragamage
(Hampton University)
10:00 AM
HES-HKS simulation
Tatsu Ishige
(Tohoku University)
10:40 AM
Scintillation Fiber Detector Used for Focal Plane Detection in ENGE
Kotaro Nishi
(The University of Tokyo)
10:55 AM
Radiation Tolerance Test for ENGE Fiber Detector
11:10 AM
Time-Of-Flight Detector for ENGE
Ken Nishida
(The University of Tokyo)
11:25 AM
Radiation Simulations By Geant4 and FULKA
Jin Takahashi
(The University of Tokyo)