1:30 PM
JANA: a framework to integrate high level analysis in the streaming framework
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
2:00 PM
CLARA framework for streaming RO
Vardan Gyurjyan
(Jefferson Lab)
2:30 PM
INDRA-ASTRA: Seamless data processing from DAQ to data analysis
Markus Diefenthaler
(Jefferson Lab)
3:00 PM
AI-supported algorithms for Streaming Readout
Fanelli Cristiano
3:30 PM
Machnine Learning topic using Xilinx FPGA
Sergey Furletov
(Jefferson Lab)
4:00 PM
ADIOS and transport protocols for Streaming RO
Carl Timmer
4:30 PM
"Protocol Buffers Encoding FPGA Acceleration"
Rafael Briceno
5:00 PM